
Oh, and something I forgot in all the Worf-excitement. Earlier on Friday, I glanced out the back window (happens a lot, cos that’s the way I face when I’m on the computer) and saw one of the cat toys (a small pink plastic ball with a bell inside) sitting outside the back door. I thought … Continue reading “Klepto-kitty!”

Oh, and something I forgot in all the Worf-excitement. Earlier on Friday, I glanced out the back window (happens a lot, cos that’s the way I face when I’m on the computer) and saw one of the cat toys (a small pink plastic ball with a bell inside) sitting outside the back door. I thought this was a little odd since it hadn’t been there went I went out the day before, and asked Willow if she’d taken it out there. She just twitched her ear. Tcha, cats. ;-) Anyway, later on when I was outside after looking for Worf, the next door neighbour came out, and asked if we had a yellow, and a pink one of these little balls. I said that yes, we did (there are two pink ones). Turns out that their cat Billy, a friendly chap who visits us quite frequently, is a bit of a klepto-kitty. He nicks ’em and takes them back to his, where he then completely ignores them. LOL. Oh well. As long as he doesn’t start going for cash or jewellery……

I saw this link at not.so.soft. I kind of know this story….. only the version I remember was a bit different. But I can’t remember how! Anyone?

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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