Still tired

Still tired and yawning my head off. Can’t concentrate on any one thing for more than…. hmm….. 20 or 30 seconds. Writing this sentence by sentence and doing other stuff between. I’m determined to acheive stuff today, though: 1) Finish, upload, and open Tomb with a View. As you’ll see if you look at the … Continue reading “Still tired”

Still tired and yawning my head off. Can’t concentrate on any one thing for more than…. hmm….. 20 or 30 seconds. Writing this sentence by sentence and doing other stuff between. I’m determined to acheive stuff today, though:

1) Finish, upload, and open Tomb with a View. As you’ll see if you look at the holding page, I’ve set today as the opening date. Though only one or two people actually know that. Til now. Forgot I was at work though. Still, it’s nearly done, so I should get it sorted tonight.

2) Open the second round of the SPIKED Awards. Again, I set the date for today. Shouldn’t take too long, though, since it’s just a matter of changing the links in the navigation. But I also need to send out that hon mention award I meant to do for the runners up from last time. Ooops.

3) I’m going to redesign Eternal…. Literally, and move stuff around. I did decide not to reapply to the new BtVS Writers’ Guild, but actually, looking at the requirements again now, I’m not so sure. The things I’ve got planned for the redesign, would pretty much cover it. So I’ll see how it goes.

4) Must remember to upload the pages of The Airlock that I updated yesterday. Couldn’t fricking ftp in last night again. Grrrr!

5) Tackle the daunting task of adding the backlog of new members who’ve applied to the UKBAWC. Oh god, there are hundreds of them. Well, more than 50, I think….. possibly up to 80, but I had some email probs and I know there are some duplicates in the mail box. I’m going to have to start a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone, I think. Ack!

Hey, I feel a bit more alive now. Yay! I won’t get all of that stuff done today, but 1, 2 & 4 should get sorted this evening, and I can do the others on my days off tomorrow and Tuesday.

Oh, and I nearly forgot – April Fool! Errrmm……

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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