Some interesting-mixture-of-painkillers induced rambling at

Some interesting-mixture-of-painkillers induced rambling at Soulfreak. I think it does make sense, but apologies if not. What I’d actually intended to write about when I went to post there, was Cruel Intentions. Not entirely sure how the connection between head and fingers got lost there. So I’ll mention it here instead. See, we finally gave … Continue reading “Some interesting-mixture-of-painkillers induced rambling at”

Some interesting-mixture-of-painkillers induced rambling at Soulfreak. I think it does make sense, but apologies if not.

What I’d actually intended to write about when I went to post there, was Cruel Intentions. Not entirely sure how the connection between head and fingers got lost there. So I’ll mention it here instead. See, we finally gave in to temptation / the-lure-of-wrestling respectively, and got Sky movies and sports last night, and determined to get my moneys worth I hunted for a film to watch then and there. Cruel Intentions was on, I hadn’t seen it but I have seen (and love) Dangerous Liasons, so I thought I’d give it a whirl. And damn, good film!! Grabbed me immediately and completely… can see why the brother likes it so much (other than the obvious SMG factor). I did miss some of it, though, when there was some kind of cat crisis outside. And of course I was trying to work on Spiked and Skewered at the same time (why, oh why do I give myself so much work to do?!). So I’ll be keeping an eye out for it to watch again. Definitely one I’d recommend.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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