THE GREAT CON DILEMMA: This weekend, Sector 14 announced two Buffy cons in June, just after the scheduled Nocturnal one. Only S14 have announced guests, and started selling tickets. So far they have Robin Sachs, George Herzberg, and the make-up guys who came this year. Needless to say, my cheque is in the post for … Continue reading “THE GREAT CON DILEMMA: This”

THE GREAT CON DILEMMA: This weekend, Sector 14 announced two Buffy cons in June, just after the scheduled Nocturnal one. Only S14 have announced guests, and started selling tickets. So far they have Robin Sachs, George Herzberg, and the make-up guys who came this year. Needless to say, my cheque is in the post for “Eclipse”, the London con (the other one, “Homecoming”, is in Glasgow, and will have roughly the same guest line-up). But of course, this leaves me with a dilemma for Nocturnal. Now, a big part of the whole con thing is to go to meet all my friends and have a massive party all weekend. Megs, Noxy, and Luna are all also going for Eclipse, so that’s cool. But what about everyone else…. I mean, ideally, I want to go to both cons…. I did two weekends in a row last year, so theoretically I should be able to manage. Thing is, though, B says he isn’t going. *sigh* Pesky man. Not that that makes it worse financially – technically it makes it better. But…. pah…..

And in other news, poor baby Alex has had more fits over the weekend. God, it’s horrible, but the vet says he doesn’t even know it’s happening. He’s all happy and purry the rest of the time, so I guess that’s good. And his coat, which was quite rough when we got him, is now all lovely and smooth and silky, so that must mean we’re taking good care of him and everything. *sigh* Trouble is, I’ve got no idea how I’m going to afford the vets bills. Crap. (And I hope they don’t try cashing the cheque for the con too soon, either).

Oh, and I’m applying for a Web Developer job at work – different department, and section and everything. It’s a big company. So fingers crossed.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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