My hair has this odd

My hair has this odd vaguely Japenese vibe going on, you know. The red has faded a fair bit now, so it’s more reddish light brown on top of the black. That, plus half an inch of blonde-ish roots. Maybe I’ll spend some of my birthday money on getting my hair done again, but a … Continue reading “My hair has this odd”

My hair has this odd vaguely Japenese vibe going on, you know. The red has faded a fair bit now, so it’s more reddish light brown on top of the black. That, plus half an inch of blonde-ish roots. Maybe I’ll spend some of my birthday money on getting my hair done again, but a more dramatic red this time. Except I need a new monitor, and I want Homesite. Gahh.

Re. the cons, by the way, I got my ticket for Eclipse the other day. Cocktail party, baby! And they’ve announced Danny Strong now, too. Hee! On the other hand, there was an almighty cock-up with our Inferno tickets (I knew I should have bloody phoned). My form never arrived, and neither did Lucy & Angelsbitch’s or Daisy and The Cheeseman’s. We all posted the first morning. Red posted her form last thing in the afternoon, and hers arrived fine and got her into the cocktail party. It seems that the first batch of post to the PO Box just vanished into thin air. Lovely. So we had to rebook by phone, and we’ve missed out on the cocktail party. *sigh*

Oh, and in case I forget to mention it, I’m off to Hastings at 4pm tomorrow, back late Monday night. Should be meeting up with some friends from school I haven’t seen for years, as well as the above mentioned Red, Daisy, and The Cheeseman (plus Demon Child). Yay!

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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