I rearranged the outside links

I rearranged the outside links over on the right there so they’re alphabetical now. And took out the links that are to LiveJournals that I have on my LJ friends list, cos I read them through that instead. Have noticed that the more tired I get, the more my strop-factor rises. I’m generally dead easy-going, … Continue reading “I rearranged the outside links”

I rearranged the outside links over on the right there so they’re alphabetical now. And took out the links that are to LiveJournals that I have on my LJ friends list, cos I read them through that instead.

Have noticed that the more tired I get, the more my strop-factor rises. I’m generally dead easy-going, me. But today, while going into the shop to get dinner:
Druggie beggar loitering outside shop door: Spare some change?
My brain: To help me feed my habit
Me: (snappily) Sorry. See, still polite, even so
My brain: Fuck off you sponging wanker! I work for my money, and I’m bloody well going to spend it on me. Rant rant rant rant rant etc
See, that usually wouldn’t bother me. I’d just say no, and carry on regardless to get my food. Humph.

Anyway, I’m off back to bed now. Had a snooze earlier when I came home from work, but I need to be up for… um… 10am-ish, so off I go. Hopefully the Dr will be able to give me a clue on either how to shake this, or at least tell me what’s up. OK, I’m gone.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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