H is for Help, I Can’t Think of Anything!

I’ll probably come up with a really excellent topic for the letter H in a day or two, but right now I can’t think of a thing.  Well, maybe I’ll be inspired while I’m writing, you never know!  And if I do think of something in a few days time, I can always slot it in as the next “extra day” entry.

Well, since I don’t have anything specific to talk about for this, I might as well have a ramble on about life in general.  I’ve been over on goodreads.com updating my booklist.  Rather annoyingly, since it’s only been three weeks (and where did that time go?!) I have a gap of about a week where I can’t remember what I was reading, but I’m sure I read something.  At least one more book, in fact, because I remember thinking that I’d had another one to count into May’s total right on the last day or two of the month.  Maybe I can ask my Mum or brother if I mentioned reading any book in particular around that time.  It was definitely something I finished, too.  Hmm.  And probably something I had on my Palm already, not something recently loaded on, since I know which ones of those I’ve read.  Gah, frustrating!  Did I re-read something on a whim, which is why it’s not sticking in my head as something new?  I don’t know!

In terms of reading, I think I need to make an effort to finish some of the eight (!) books I’m part way through right now.  That’s just too many.  I bet I can finish at least one before I go to bed tonight.  I’m more than half way through several, or they’re not that long to start with.  Or I could read one more of the short stories in the David Weber anthology.  The doorsteppers will necessarily take a bit longer, but I keep putting off reading them in favour of other books.  I need to start treating them like I am my knitting: no more casting on new projects / starting new books until I’ve finished the ones I have on the go already.  And talking of knitting, if I listen to more audiobooks (including finishing the one I have in progress), I can do the both at the same time!

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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