Ahhhh, retail therapy….. :-) I feel better. Not that I was so very terrible to begin with….. I just had a marginally crappy weekend, especially compared to poor Megs–> {{{{{*hugs*}}}}}. But I still have no Worf (a big black cat tried to come in the catflap last night, and it might have been him, but Willow was on her guard-cat roll, and went haring off and chased him away…. it was too dark to see clearly if it actually was him or not), and Saturday night wasn’t fun – went over to B’s friends’ place, but I had a pounding headache and was really out of it, so now they’re going to think I’m even more of a boring old party pooper than they did before cos of my work hours. :-( And today I have the thing which we don’t mention to the blokes at work cos it totally freaks them all (ROTFL!). So, retail therapy….. lots of new tops. Wanted trousers, and maybe a skirt too, but I didn’t have time to try them on. Maybe tomorrow. This shop rocks, though. It’s not as big as Black Rose of course, but it has lots of Omen stuff. *drools* I’m going to end up spending sooooooo much money there…..
Ahhhh, retail therapy…..
Ahhhh, retail therapy….. :-) I feel better. Not that I was so very terrible to begin with….. I just had a marginally crappy weekend, especially compared to poor Megs–> {{{{{*hugs*}}}}}. But I still have no Worf (a big black cat tried to come in the catflap last night, and it might have been him, but … Continue reading “Ahhhh, retail therapy…..”