Well, I’m back at work. I’ve caught up on all my journal reading, just about. And I just had a Scary Experience(TM) in, uh, Xperience, the alternative / goth / punk / bondage clothing shop next door to where I work. I was having a browse (and then a buy – more tops, must get skirt / trousers!!) at lunchtime, when a voice from behind me (talking to the shop assistant, though, not me) said “Do you have kid’s jeans here?”. And it’s this ‘normally’ dressed mother, with three kids of under-12 in tow. WTF? I’m at the back end of the shop – well past all kinds of interesting stuff. So the girl behind the counter (well pierced and tattooed, fab mohican) told her, no, they didn’t, and the mother turns to the kids and says “Oh well, back to GAP then……”. I seem to remember Megs telling me of a similar SETM she had in there recently, too. What is going on?…… And, brain meandering back to needing trousers, I think I might have those tartan bondage trews. Like muchly.
But anyway, where have I been the last 10 days or so? Well, I was off work, for a start. On the first day off – Saturday – I went to the cat shelter as arranged, with Becx from work, Megs, and Heather (who was visiting). And came home with the largest kittymonster there, “Jerry”, now renamed Alexander. Shall get pics up….. eventually. Like I said before, he’s pretty jumpy – expects to be hit at every turn, poor baby. He was even scared of the toy I got him! He wanted to be friends with Willow (bless), but she was a stroppy little mog…. they’re getting used to one another, though, so that’s good.
Saturday evening, we went to a wedding reception for one of B’s friends from school. We were both pretty knackered, and were also providing solidarity for B’s best mate (complicated ex issues and the like), so we played barfly all evening. Which meant we got to see almost everyone there with no real effort, since they had to come by to get drinks. Then the groom’s Mum came to say hi, and asked Those Questions – “Where did you meet?” and “You’ve known each other nearly two years? Are you engaged yet?”. I swear, one of these days I’m going to make up some plausible meeting place, because having to explain the internet-y truth is just way too much hassle….
I then spent a few days hanging around, working on Spiked and Skewered, and cleaning the house. Mum and Dad arrived on Wednesday late afternoon, dumped a whole load of stuff with me (my stuff, from home), and went off to their B&B. Thursday – Monday was spent doing little day-trips to local places of interest and the like. I probably got more fresh air in those five days that I have all year so far. Heh. It was fun…. though now I’m pining to live by the seaside again. I miss it. Saturday was the BBQ at Megs’ house, and that was most excellent…. B applied his manly skills to burning barbequing the burgers; Meghan got bird crap on her head then later informed my previously clueless parents that Martin and Heather had done far more than snog a bit on the dancefloor at Nocturnal…. hope he doesn’t get a Talk when they get home; we melted marshmallows with gusto; and then we all watch Sister Act. I have to get the movie channels.
And then yesterday, of course, after Mum and Dad departed to visit my Uncle Ted, various cousins, their children (roughly my age), and their children*, I went and got my hair snipped and dyed. Wheeeee! Then it was back home for further Spiked and Skewered toiling. I’m not going to get everything done for 1st September, but I’ll have plenty to re-open it with. The rest can be added later (thank god I simplified the navigation as far as adding sections goes!). I believe it’s going to be a fairly large site, now. I want it to be a good one. I think it is, but I hope other people will like it. The content, anyway. I’ve come to the conclusion that the design sucks….
* My Dad, at 68, is the youngest of five. Ted is 13 years older. Mum is 15 years younger than Dad…. Ted’s son Malcolm is a few months older than Mum. And so on and so forth.