Whoops! Not dead or missing. I just kinda forgot to blog. Still somewhat out of it cos of these meds. Did I mention my almost complete inability to be awake? It’s making the work thing a little problematic. But on the plus side, I got the money thing all sorted out. Woohoo! Christmas presents are pretty much sorted, I’m looking forward to the work Christmas-Murder-Mystery-RPG dinner on Friday night (I have the ugliest costume… it’s brilliant!), and my hair is freshly black, red and chin-length. Ooo, and cos I can’t eat half the time, I seem to be losing weight. Clouds, silver linings, blah blah blah.
Must dash now…. gotta go into town to get something from the chemist for this oh-so-fun nausea, and to find something for Miss Meghan since it’s her 18TH BIRTHDAY. Previous shopping plans were nixed by aforementioned nausea. I will be well for Christmas, I will I will I will!