Domain snobbery?

Domain snobbery – does it happen? I’m not just talking “I have a domain, so I’m better than x who has their site on a free server”. Which, incidentally, is a big pile of pants, since site design talent certainly isn’t related to the ability to afford and maintain a domain and server space! (See … Continue reading “Domain snobbery?”

Domain snobbery – does it happen? I’m not just talking “I have a domain, so I’m better than x who has their site on a free server”. Which, incidentally, is a big pile of pants, since site design talent certainly isn’t related to the ability to afford and maintain a domain and server space! (See my own sites for reference *snort*). Granted a fair few people who have domains, have them because they’re very much into web design, and want their own space and name and all that, so domain-ed sites are often good stuff. But that’s not what I wanted to ramble about. I was thinking more “My domain’s better than your domain.” See, I have a few domains, and I wuv them all lots an lots. They’re all’s though….. some of them are because I specifically wanted a, and some cos, well, I pay a nice reasonable price for ’em. Also, I’m from the UK, so why not? Recently, though, (and not in relation to this site, mind you) it seems there’s a real preference to .com and .net’s. Perhaps I’m only just noticing something that’s been around a while. So, apart from being shorter, why would a .com or .net or .org or whatever, be better than a or Personally, I quite like the way a (or any other country-specific domain) locates a site / webmaster on the otherwise vague international web. (However, having said that, I’ve found a .nu that I might well register for a little project. *g*)

So, thoughts…… is there a better kind of domain? (Is anyone reading this thing? Helloooooo?……)

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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