Verrrrry very tired. And mid-money

Verrrrry very tired. And mid-money crisis. So I’ll be staying in til next payday (end of the month) then. Pants. Means I won’t be able to make the meet in Sheffield with Lucy and Sonja Marie (of BtVS Links fame… can’t remember the URL off the top of my head) and everyone. Waaah!! In fact, … Continue reading “Verrrrry very tired. And mid-money”

Verrrrry very tired. And mid-money crisis. So I’ll be staying in til next payday (end of the month) then. Pants. Means I won’t be able to make the meet in Sheffield with Lucy and Sonja Marie (of BtVS Links fame… can’t remember the URL off the top of my head) and everyone. Waaah!! In fact, I won’t actually be able to do *anything* til payday… Alexander needs his jabs, and that’s going to be a problem :-( And more blood tests. Eeep!

So this evening, Megs and I are going to the gym for an intro class thingy. I’m determined to do this, and get fit. All I have to do now is start eating healthily… I spose at least with having no money for a month, I won’t be able to eat very much. See, there is a bright side. But anyway, I’m looking forward to this – we’re going to do a general fitness class, and boxercise when it starts next week. And use the actual gym bits as and when (hopefully a couple of times a week). This place is on my way home from the station, so hopefully I can start dropping in straight after work and so on. Go me, I can ddjjjjoooo iiiiit!

I have a new design for this thing. One that involves *gasp* a graphic. Just the one, though, for the title bar. Shall bung it up this evening. Feels…. um, somehow smoother than this one. If that makes any sense.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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