I’ve decided that a good way to keep myself going with the daily posting is to do the meme / exercise that I’ve seen on some other blogs, and do a letter of the alphabet each day. Obviously that leaves four days, so I’ll do a week of alphabet then a day of either something random, or doubling up on a letter. I’ll decide that part when I get there!
So, A is for “Ambition”. Which can be broken down into both short and long term goals:
- Maintaining the daily blogging through this month, and also doing IComLeavWe at the end of the month.
- Possibly do 750words.com (depending on time).
- Sort out the photo album on this thing!
- New site design (also for here).
- Finish at least one knitting project – try sewing up the Menace jumper, for example. And keep working on the Clapotis.
- Make some blog posts updating my knitting progress – what I’ve been doing over the last few months as well as what I’m doing now, since I haven’t posted for so long.
- Write up the patterns I’ve designed. Finally!
“Ambition” also works pretty well for the NaBloPoMo prompt for today – I may or may not do these every day, it depends what appeals to me. But the one for today is:
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a teacher. Boring, I know! Specifically, I think I wanted to be an English teacher, because I loved reading and writing. On slightly more mature reflection, I decided that the idea of dealing with a classroom full of teenagers was an appalling one, so I changed my mind to librarian. Needless to say, I’m in neither profession now, although I have done some one-to-one music tuition and enjoyed that.