Coding, Comments and Connectivity

I’ve been faffing around with the design of the non-blog pages on this site today and yesterday… and I’ve made a right hash of it! That’ll teach me to try modifying someone else’s code rather than writing my own. I’m going to take a step back and do some rewriting – it’ll make more sense to me that way, and hopefully even work!

In other news, today is the start of this month’s IComLeavWe, and marks a year since I first joined that group! Maybe I’ll try for Iron Commenter status this time around. I’ll have a crack, at any rate.

IComLeavWe: Join the Conversation

Comments awaaaaaaaaaay! (If only the website will stay up; this server move seems to be taking longer than I expected… Apparently there are now some issues with SQL that’s causing database connection errors. Which temporarily eats this site! Hopefully that will be fixed soon.)

August IComLeavWe

IComLeavWe has rolled around again, so hi to anyone who drops by from that :-)  I’m going to be a little late in starting this month, because I’m going to be out for most of tomorrow (technically today already, eek), and I might be sleeeeeepy when I get home.  In fact, I should be in bed and sleeping now, so I’d better get going.  I may get a chance to jump online when I get in tomorrow, but if not, it’ll have to wait until Sunday.  I can do double then.

IComLeavWe: Join the Conversation

July ICLW!

IComLeavWe: Join the Conversation

Whoops, I’ve just realised that yester-today* is the start of IComLeavWe for July.  So a quick hi to anyone who drops by – I am still here, but I’ve been so busy spinning and doing other Actual Real Life things (shocking, I know) that I haven’t remembered to blog.  And now I’m off to make today’s tally of comments.  Better get to bed after that – it’s late!

* technically yesterday, since it’s now past midnight, but still within the same “day” for me since I’m still up!

R is for Reciprocity

IComLeavWeToday is the first day of June’s IComLeavWe, the comment-leaving equivalent of NaBloPoMo.  Well, sort of – the aim is to leave five comments, and return / reply to one, every day during the week of the 21st-28th of the month.  So it’s an equivalent in that it’s a daily goal … thingy.  I know what I mean, anyway.  You can either leave comments on the blogs of the other participants, and/or any other blogs you like, really.  It’s more a self-monitored thing, I suppose, since unless you list all the places you’ve commented back on your own blog, there’s no central record.  Anyway!  The point is, it’s a cool way to find new blogs and meet new people and all – many of the blogs on the list are ones I wouldn’t normally read.  Although I am going to try to make an effort to start leaving comments for the people I do habitually read again.  I’ve been rubbish about it, really.  Perhaps I should have a try at a little double thing – five comments to the IComLeaveWe bloggers, and five to people on my own blogroll.  Could be fun!

In other news, there seems to be a bit of a hitch with this new version of WP… or at least, there is for me.  Something has disappeared some of the sections from the Post page (the one that I’m writing in!), including the all-important Post button!  I can get around it because there’s a draft-save mechanism, and then I can post from the edit screen, but still.  That’s not right!  I may have to disable some plugins and see what happens.

A is for Ambition

I’ve decided that a good way to keep myself going with the daily posting is to do the meme / exercise that I’ve seen on some other blogs, and do a letter of the alphabet each day.  Obviously that leaves four days, so I’ll do a week of alphabet then a day of either something random, or doubling up on a letter.  I’ll decide that part when I get there!

So, A is for “Ambition”.  Which can be broken down into both short and long term goals:

  1. Maintaining the daily blogging through this month, and also doing IComLeavWe at the end of the month.
  2. Possibly do (depending on time).
  3. Sort out the photo album on this thing!
  4. New site design (also for here).
  5. Finish at least one knitting project – try sewing up the Menace jumper, for example.  And keep working on the Clapotis.
  6. Make some blog posts updating my knitting progress – what I’ve been doing over the last few months as well as what I’m doing now, since I haven’t posted for so long.
  7. Write up the patterns I’ve designed. Finally!

“Ambition” also works pretty well for the NaBloPoMo prompt for today – I may or may not do these every day, it depends what appeals to me. But the one for today is:

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a teacher.  Boring, I know!  Specifically, I think I wanted to be an English teacher, because I loved reading and writing.  On slightly more mature reflection, I decided that the idea of dealing with a classroom full of teenagers was an appalling one, so I changed my mind to librarian.  Needless to say, I’m in neither profession now, although I have done some one-to-one music tuition and enjoyed that.

Oh well

Well, I had intended to keep on posting as much as possible for NaBloPoMo, but it turns out that wasn’t to be!  My landline was dead as a Dodo for a few days, and my internet connection with it.  BT fixed it today – they didn’t have to come here, so I assume it was a problem at the exchange – so at least I’m back just in time to take part in IComLeavWe instead.  Or sort-of as well: I might as well have a go at posting every day for the rest of the month, at least.  NaBloPoMo does keep running year round anyway, so I might try again next month.  I think they have themes for months that aren’t November, which might also be a help if I run out of inspiration!  Or I could borrow an idea from Paula, who has been using an alphabet theme for this month.  That could definitely be fun.

Anyway, IComLeavWe is the name-smush for International Comment Leaving Week, so starting today and continuing until 28th, I need to leave comments for at least five people every day, and return at least one comment (assuming I have any here to answer back to, I guess!).  Off I go!