
(Or, Non-alphabetical Post The Third)

WordPress 3.0 is out – has been for a couple of days, actually – so I’m going to do the upgrade soon.  Probably not tonight, but most likely tomorrow morning.  I’m glad I hadn’t got too far with the redesign I was working on, in terms of coding, so now I can incorporate anything new to the theme.  I’m not sure if there is anything, but if there is, I might as well include it.  It’s all good practise, after all.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

One thought on “Upgrading”

  1. Have you managed to upgrade WordPress yet? As I have just done it tonight, and it feels very different. Do let me know how you find it. I’m stopping by from IComLeavWe by the way. :) Hope you are having the start to a nice week.

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