Teenage Dreams

It’s my blogoversary (or my blog’s blogoversary, or whatever) today, and slightly scarily it’s now 13 years old. I’m expecting hormonal tantrums with it banging around the house and yelling that it hates me any day now.

They grow up so fast!

And now that I’ve remembered to post here again today, I shall have to make some effort to blog… well, if not regularly, then at least more often. I’ve had quite an eventful few months, so I dare say I’ll be rambling on about that.

It’s my Blogoversary

It’s my blogoversary today – eleven whole years since I started this blog!  It’s gone through some changes in that time, of course.  Webby tech has advanced and all that.  And of course I haven’t been able to blog steadily throughout the whole time.  But the last eleven years have been fairly definitive for me in a lot of ways, so I’m glad I never seriously thought about closing the blog down.

So, happy birthday, blog, and here’s to many more years… but first let’s see if I can re-establish the blogging habit during 2012!

A decade of blogging

I very nearly forgot altogether, but yesterday was my “blogoversary”.  The tenth anniversary of starting this blog, in fact.

It doesn’t feel like ten years, but then there have been some years where I’ve barely blogged at all, or at least times when I’ve been mostly using Livejournal or similar platforms instead.  As I think I’ve said in previous anniversary posts, this blog has gone through a few changes in terms of its back-end platform – Blogger, Movable Type, and now WordPress – over the last decade.  I feel pretty settled now, though.  And at least I’m managing to post more, if not regularly.

Perhaps with this new blogging year, I should make that a mini-resolution: to pick a day and blog regularly once a week.  After all, if I can blog every day for a month, I can do once a week at the least.  In fact, since it’s Friday today, why not have Friday as my must-post day.  If I can’t think of anything else to say, at least I could do a weekly round up.  Preferably it’ll kick start me (again) into posting more frequently than that.  Right then, I’m going to go off and stop talking about posting, and actually make a start on posting something with Real Content.  Good night.