Went to Jon and Al’s party after work last night. Hee, was fun! :-) More of a drinking and nattering thing than a crazy dancing thing, but all is good. Of course, I still can’t drink, but there was plenty of, well, atmosphere *g*. I love their flat, too – it’s in a converted warehouse. Extremely cool! I think I’ve decided to have my housewarming on 2nd March. Who wants to come? *g*
Oh, and when I got home, I started on sorting out the SPIKED Awards. Only to discover that because no-one has logged into the Hotmail account which held all the fanfic nominations for 30 days, all it’s contents have been wiped. Thank you soooo much, Hotmail! Grrr. I *think* I had all the fic noms done, but I’ve got a feeling there may have been some still outstanding. So, er, if you should have some fic nominated, and it’s not on the page, give me a shout asap. Cos now I’m back to ‘normal’ I want to get the judging started soon….
Bought stuff today. Specifically, jeans, cos my others are going slightly holey. And twoLordoftheRingsposters, shhh. Must go see that film again soon. Don’t think I can til at least next weekend, though. Damn work. Tcha.