Link – | Review: In the Bed of a Duke

I have been blogging.  No really, I have – just not here.  And no, not every day either, but at least it’s more than … not blogging?  Whatever, it’s a blog, not the end of the world.  No excuses needed!

Anyhow, what I have been doing is writing short reviews on the books I’ve been reading, which are on my review blog.  That exists mainly because I have the spare domain name and it seemed a shame to be doing nothing with it.  And probably also because I feel happier having “life” things divided from “fannish” things, from long habit, even though there really is an overlap what with everything being crossposted to FB and LJ etc.  Once again: whatever.

So for the sake of ridiculous completeness, I’ll be linking my review posts from here.  Ta-da:

Review: In the Bed of a Duke |

(Yes, sometimes I like to read total rubbish.  Don’t judge me! ;-p )


Woe is me, etc etc, I am bereft of my mobile phone.  Oh noes, dramaz dramaz, how will I survive?!

Quite well, as it happens.  To be fair, I have a tablet – an old slightly creaky model, yes, but a tablet nonetheless – so it’s not like I don’t have any kind of portable interwebs.  Because that’s so very vital for things like plurking, or watching youtube or iplayer, or checking my email from the bedroom.  You know, instead of walking the 20-odd feet to the PC in the living room.

Of course, I also have a landline phone.  I’m far from cut off from the world without my mobile.  But it’s been five days, and it’s actually been kind of nice.  A sort of holiday.  I don’t really know why, since as I said it’s not that much of a practical change.  Maybe it’s that I’ve become a bit dependant on that one little device – it’s used for phone calls, texts, email, games, social networking, music, radio, ebooks, audiobooks, a calendar, a camera… but hey, look, I can actually trundle along without it perfectly well.

That doesn’t mean I’ll use it less when I get it back, but I could.  If I chose to.  Which I won’t.