I hope I’m not being

I hope I’m not being premature, or jinxing myself by saying this, but…. I feel better. Quite a lot better. Not physically ill at all, and far more with-it than I have done for some time. :-) It’s good. Financially I may be somewhat up the spout, but I’ll cope. Hoorah!

I hope I’m not being premature, or jinxing myself by saying this, but…. I feel better. Quite a lot better. Not physically ill at all, and far more with-it than I have done for some time. :-) It’s good. Financially I may be somewhat up the spout, but I’ll cope. Hoorah!

Kittens!!!! – it’s a random

Kittens!!!! – it’s a random kitten generator. Careful, though. You may suffer from cuteness overload. *g* And, randomly: 50 % My weblog owns 50 % of me.Does your weblog own you?

Kittens!!!! – it’s a random kitten generator. Careful, though. You may suffer from cuteness overload. *g*

And, randomly:

50 %

My weblog owns 50 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

Woah, it is way too

Woah, it is way too hot out there! I was intending to take advantage of the sunny weather by doing a load of washing, but I just can’t bring myself to walk to the laundrette in this. Ugh ugh ugh. Is this unnatural of me? All the neighbours seem to be busy basting themselves. I’ll … Continue reading “Woah, it is way too”

Woah, it is way too hot out there! I was intending to take advantage of the sunny weather by doing a load of washing, but I just can’t bring myself to walk to the laundrette in this. Ugh ugh ugh. Is this unnatural of me? All the neighbours seem to be busy basting themselves. I’ll stick with “pale and interesting”, thanks. Though the “interesting” bit is debatable ;-)

I’ve been doing various things on the website front recently. I have two new hostees at Freedom.Freaky: Evolution, which is a group blog, and Momento Mori which is David’s journal-portfolio-etc. Check them out :-) I’ve also ‘lost’ a hostee – Marie, formerly of freedom.freaky.nu/thatslife, has moved her blog over to a friend’s domain.

The main part of Freaky.nu should be up very soon, too. And I’m going to be doing some moving around, as well, in an effort to save money. Sites that I currently have on servers that I have to pay to dial up to will be moved to new servers (and domain names). Hopefully not too big a job, though. *crosses fingers*

Oh well, I think I’ll go and see if I can find some shade outside to veg in for a bit. It does seem silly lurking indoors like this. But…. hot!!!! Feh.

Ozzy taking break to be

Ozzy taking break to be with wife – Oh no :-( I hope the treatment works. *sends speedy-recovery vibes to Sharon Osbourne*. But “heavily bleeped show”? The only thing I’ve noticed being bleeped are the ads for the show that are on during the day. Do they beep all the swearing out in the US, … Continue reading “Ozzy taking break to be”

Ozzy taking break to be with wife – Oh no :-( I hope the treatment works. *sends speedy-recovery vibes to Sharon Osbourne*.
But “heavily bleeped show”? The only thing I’ve noticed being bleeped are the ads for the show that are on during the day. Do they beep all the swearing out in the US, or something, then? Huh.

My Mum and Dad might come up here next weekend now instead, cos they’re probably going to go and visit my uncle Ted (82 today – Happy Birthday Ted!) in Norfolk in the week, then continue on up here. I don’t think they’ve seen any pics of my hair as it is at the moment, so that should be interesting. Heheh.

Talking of which, Megs sent me the before / during / after pics of me during our hair bleaching and dying spree. So, um, here they are:
Before... there are actually some faded red streaks in my hair at this point, but they aren't showing During.  Mmmmm, love the plastic rain-hat look. Post bleach, pre-dye (believe it or not).  Roots have gone very blonde, while the previously dyed-black sections have handily gone red Finished!  So instead of black with a few red streaks, I have a large chunk of red each side, and red roots too.  Woohoo!

And while I’m here, a plug: go visit Megs today – she’s doing the 24 hour blogathon, and it’ll definitely be worth checking it out, cos she’s doing it as a 24-hour murder mystery story. I’m excited. Are you excited? You should be – oh, and you should sponsor her, too. *nods*

I woke up about an

I woke up about an hour ago, having slept almost solidly for a day and a half. I feel quite a lot better. And also, very hungry. I think I’ll therefore go cook myself something with a shitload of carbohydrates. Mmmmm, pastaaaa…..

I woke up about an hour ago, having slept almost solidly for a day and a half. I feel quite a lot better. And also, very hungry. I think I’ll therefore go cook myself something with a shitload of carbohydrates. Mmmmm, pastaaaa…..

I am, in a word

I am, in a word (or two), narked off. My voice seems to have decided that it has better places to be. Hooray, wonderful. It was coming and going over the weekend, but this morning it’s gone, and so far hasn’t come back. Argh!! I was down with the heavy cold that seems to have … Continue reading “I am, in a word”

I am, in a word (or two), narked off. My voice seems to have decided that it has better places to be. Hooray, wonderful. It was coming and going over the weekend, but this morning it’s gone, and so far hasn’t come back. Argh!! I was down with the heavy cold that seems to have been going around last week (hence the non-postage) but I should be better by now. I was doing alright over the weekend – I even made it to Lee’s wedding, which was an excellent do. Still, as long as my voice comes back, and the head-muzziness goes away, I’ll be fine. The most annoying thing is, I had to cancel the appt with the doctor that gave me those meds that disagreed – it was supposed to be this morning. Hope I get another one through soon, cos I really want to talk to her about that. Ho hum.

Well, that was interesting. Took

Well, that was interesting. Took the first dose of the new meds from the doctor on Friday evening, and within half-an-hour got a whole bunch of not-fun side-effects. Which made me decide to pass on the second (higher) dose, or in fact, on ever taking the sodding things again. Heh. I’m feeling better now, though. … Continue reading “Well, that was interesting. Took”

Well, that was interesting. Took the first dose of the new meds from the doctor on Friday evening, and within half-an-hour got a whole bunch of not-fun side-effects. Which made me decide to pass on the second (higher) dose, or in fact, on ever taking the sodding things again. Heh. I’m feeling better now, though.

Russ and Char came to visit yesterday, with baby Lex. Luckily, by the time I’d arrived, I’d got over the worst of the side-effects, so that was OK. Lex is crawling now, and into everything. He’s also completely adorable, and very smiley. Was most excellent to see them. :-)

Blunkett unveils ID card plans

Blunkett unveils ID card plans – I don’t see what the problem is with this thing. Apparantly, some people see carrying an ID card as an infringement of civil liberties. Um… huh? How is that? Driving licences now have photos and so on on them, and even if you want, say, something as simple as … Continue reading “Blunkett unveils ID card plans”

Blunkett unveils ID card plans – I don’t see what the problem is with this thing. Apparantly, some people see carrying an ID card as an infringement of civil liberties. Um… huh? How is that? Driving licences now have photos and so on on them, and even if you want, say, something as simple as a one week season ticket on a train or bus, you generally have to have a photo ID card to get it. I’ve never seen anyone complaining about that, other than moaning about the crapness of their photo ;-) Surely it’d just make a lot of things easier, and help crack down on fraud and stuff. I’m all for it.

Sue has a bad eye

Sue has a bad eye today, so she’s wearing an eyepatch. This has caused some amusement around the office, which is a bit mean when you think about it. Poor Sue’s eye :-( Mind you, it’s not a pirate-type eyepatch. It’s a pad thing, tied round her head with a bandage. I think she should … Continue reading “Sue has a bad eye”

Sue has a bad eye today, so she’s wearing an eyepatch. This has caused some amusement around the office, which is a bit mean when you think about it. Poor Sue’s eye :-( Mind you, it’s not a pirate-type eyepatch. It’s a pad thing, tied round her head with a bandage. I think she should put a big plumey feather in the back. Would be most regal. *eg*

And some time soon, I shall make a long and boring post about what I’ve been doing recently. Really I shall. If anyone’s still reading this, I’m so sorry for being quiet. Really must try getting back into the swing of this thing.

Things that make you go

Things that make you go “Awwwwww” :-) Seal saves dog from drowning. I’ve been trying to decide what to do about my various websites. I just don’t have the time or energy to keep them going like before. I think automation is the way to go for the cliques. For everything else, I’m not entirely … Continue reading “Things that make you go”

Things that make you go “Awwwwww” :-) Seal saves dog from drowning.

I’ve been trying to decide what to do about my various websites. I just don’t have the time or energy to keep them going like before. I think automation is the way to go for the cliques. For everything else, I’m not entirely sure yet. I think I want to get them all looking decent, at least. Don’t expect I’ll get much done over the next few weeks anyway, since I’ll either be at work, asleep, or away. I’m off down south tomorrow morning, for the wedding thang, and won’t be back til late Sunday. Should be fun. Oh, and I really *must* ring Alison! Perhaps I should write it on my hand or something. Heh. Got to pack, too. Fuuuun.

I don’t mind this kind

I don’t mind this kind of weather, really. As long as there’s plenty of shade and shadows for me to lurk in. *g* But I’m tired – not zombified tired like I was a while back, but just physically and mentally feeling knackered. The heat isn’t helping much, I don’t think. Still, I’ll live. And … Continue reading “I don’t mind this kind”

I don’t mind this kind of weather, really. As long as there’s plenty of shade and shadows for me to lurk in. *g* But I’m tired – not zombified tired like I was a while back, but just physically and mentally feeling knackered. The heat isn’t helping much, I don’t think. Still, I’ll live. And if I don’t, I’ll come back and haunt people. On cold days. *g*

It’s Clara’s wedding this weekend. Heehee! I have a dress to wear, and everything. Two of Alan’s friends (as in, a couple) are getting married the same day, too. Guess it’s the time of year for it. According to the weatherman, though, it’s going to rain. How typical. But we’ll be indoors most of the day, so never mind. I should get a film for my camera, come to think of it. And ring Alison. Must do that when I get home. Which is where I’m going in just a mo. *Whoooosh*

One of the pot plants

One of the pot plants at work is called Henry II (the original Henry met with a tragic accident). So I’ve relabled the plant next to him. She was Annie, but now she’s Eleanor of Aquitaine, which is way more appropriate. See, doing History at uni does come in handy at work. Now, if only … Continue reading “One of the pot plants”

One of the pot plants at work is called Henry II (the original Henry met with a tragic accident). So I’ve relabled the plant next to him. She was Annie, but now she’s Eleanor of Aquitaine, which is way more appropriate. See, doing History at uni does come in handy at work. Now, if only I could think of some use for the Music half of the course….

I don’t think I mentioned it here, but I’m cutting down on the amount of website and mailing list time I spend. I was on about 80 mailing lists at one point recently, so I’ve now cut that down to around twenty or so. Yay! Also, I’ve closed some sites and rejigged others so they don’t need updates (or only very infrequent ones). So Kaplooey is gone, as is Raw Addiction Graphics, and I’ve finally got around to deleting my very old geocities account that once housed my first ‘proper’ sites. Eternal… Literally has a new design, and will only be updated with new fanlist members, or in the event of both characters being on the show and having an encounter. The Fred fanlist, Fabulous Fred has a new design and a new location, and We Want Him Dark is now all automated – all I have to do is check over the new applicants, which makes things much quicker and easier! In addition to that, Con Woman will soon be absorbed into my personal site, and the Evil Ones Button Exch will become part of Spiked & Skewered. All in all, I might even find myself with time to get a life……. ;-)

Right, yes. I’m not dead,

Right, yes. I’m not dead, and neither is my computer. Hoorah! Dean came and asked me how it was (Hi Dean *g*) which reminded me that I hadn’t actually posted here for aaaaages. Whoops. So, the computer is all fixed, and I’ve got most things loaded back on. I’m feeling a lot more with it, … Continue reading “Right, yes. I’m not dead,”

Right, yes. I’m not dead, and neither is my computer. Hoorah! Dean came and asked me how it was (Hi Dean *g*) which reminded me that I hadn’t actually posted here for aaaaages. Whoops. So, the computer is all fixed, and I’ve got most things loaded back on. I’m feeling a lot more with it, which is nice. Heh. I shall have to ramble at length about what I’ve been up to recently a bit later on. When I’ve remembered it all. Yes.

Well, the reformat didn’t help

Well, the reformat didn’t help at all. So I took the ‘puter to the shop, and it’s still there now. Because I haven’t been to pick it up yet. *g* Went off to the Starfury Bad Girls and Wild Boys con on Friday, and had a fantastic weekend there. Well organised, friendly, fun, and an … Continue reading “Well, the reformat didn’t help”

Well, the reformat didn’t help at all. So I took the ‘puter to the shop, and it’s still there now. Because I haven’t been to pick it up yet. *g* Went off to the Starfury Bad Girls and Wild Boys con on Friday, and had a fantastic weekend there. Well organised, friendly, fun, and an all around stormin’ con. Hee! Now I’m down at Mum and Dad’s for a few days. Hopefully my computer will be well again by the time I get back. Fingers crossed. Now I’d better get going, since the parents have to pay for phone calls for their net connection. Tcha! ;-)