Computer is completely and utterly

Computer is completely and utterly knackered – it’s taken me five or six tries (crashes and reboots, and safe mode booting, and argh!!) to manage to get this posted. If it gets as far as posting, that is. So, I’m attempting to back stuff up, and as soon as that’s done, it’ll be reformat time. … Continue reading “Computer is completely and utterly”

Computer is completely and utterly knackered – it’s taken me five or six tries (crashes and reboots, and safe mode booting, and argh!!) to manage to get this posted. If it gets as far as posting, that is. So, I’m attempting to back stuff up, and as soon as that’s done, it’ll be reformat time. Wish me luck.

……. I may be gone some time………

Speedy update: Noxy visited for

Speedy update: Noxy visited for a week, much fun was had. Recurring sore throat developed into great big loss-of-voice plus nasty hollow-chest-feeling on Saturday, and has stayed that way – finally managed to get doc’s appointment for this afternoon. Shall babble more later. I expect.

Speedy update: Noxy visited for a week, much fun was had. Recurring sore throat developed into great big loss-of-voice plus nasty hollow-chest-feeling on Saturday, and has stayed that way – finally managed to get doc’s appointment for this afternoon. Shall babble more later. I expect.

Random discovery of the day:

Random discovery of the day: now that Opal Fruits are called Starburst, they have purple ones, too. I’ve been thinking about stuff to go in the main part of this domain, when I eventually get around to it. And having spoken to one of my aunts , and my Mum last night, I realised that … Continue reading “Random discovery of the day:”

Random discovery of the day: now that Opal Fruits are called Starburst, they have purple ones, too.

I’ve been thinking about stuff to go in the main part of this domain, when I eventually get around to it. And having spoken to one of my aunts , and my Mum last night, I realised that just about everytime I talk to, or about, one of my Dad’s sisters, or his brother, I find out something new about them. And none of them have exactly led uneventful lives, really. So I think I want to try and get some of their personal histories down. Considering that my uncle (the eldest) is in his 80’s, and my Dad (the youngest) is in his late 60’s, they’ve experienced a helluva lot between them. Hmmm. Yeah.

Best thing I found while working my way through my bulging work inbox: Take out your WRATH!. Oh, I had waaaaaay too much fun with that. Bwahah!

Um. And can anybody tell me why Melly’s site seems to be redirecting to a porn site? Help?

Dress Kylie. Oh go on,

Dress Kylie. Oh go on, you know you want to. Heehee! And this might seem a strange one, but after seeing all those egg adverts, I checked out…. and it has lots of recipes! Of things that you can make with eggs. Big surprise there, huh? *g* But useful – eggs are goooood. Yum.

Dress Kylie. Oh go on, you know you want to. Heehee!

And this might seem a strange one, but after seeing all those egg adverts, I checked out…. and it has lots of recipes! Of things that you can make with eggs. Big surprise there, huh? *g* But useful – eggs are goooood. Yum.

Still having a good time

Still having a good time with the parents – went to The Deep today, which was pretty damn cool – lots of interesting stuff and tons of things to poke and play with. Heehee! Yesterday, Dad bought me a new bookshelf which we built in the evening (with some assistance from Megs, who came for … Continue reading “Still having a good time”

Still having a good time with the parents – went to The Deep today, which was pretty damn cool – lots of interesting stuff and tons of things to poke and play with. Heehee! Yesterday, Dad bought me a new bookshelf which we built in the evening (with some assistance from Megs, who came for tea), so I now have enough space for almost all my books. Woohoo!

On Saturday, I’ll be back at work, doing a slightly shorter day than the normal 10 hour shift until I get back into the swing of things. I’m looking forward to it – will be most excellent to get things back to normal again, as it were. Plus, my little run of visitors isn’t over, as Noxy will be arriving on Monday, and of course after that, the Bad Girls & Wild Boys con is coming up. Now, if only I had the rest of the money that’s owed to me from the old house deposit. Grr-argh! Really hoping it arrives damn soon. Not to mention the overtime cheque from work that got messed up…. I’m sure I should have had that by now….

Calling all cat owners….. How

Calling all cat owners….. How long is your cat? D’you ever wonder about that when you see your cat stretched out as long as s/he’ll go? Then grab a tape measure and find out – inches or centimetres will do. My cat: Alexander Nose to Tail-base: 21 inches Nose to Tail-tip: 34 inches. Heh. Not … Continue reading “Calling all cat owners….. How”

Calling all cat owners…..

How long is your cat?
D’you ever wonder about that when you see your cat stretched out as long as s/he’ll go? Then grab a tape measure and find out – inches or centimetres will do.
My cat: Alexander
Nose to Tail-base: 21 inches
Nose to Tail-tip: 34 inches.

Heh. Not a small kitty, then. :-) But he’s so cuuuuuute!

Oh look, I haven’t been

Oh look, I haven’t been posting again. Mainly cos I’ve been distracted, I guess, by my visitors. Which of course was the whole point. Le Heather was here for four days, when we watched lots of videos and things and had fun, and the parents are here at the moment. We’ve been doing things that … Continue reading “Oh look, I haven’t been”

Oh look, I haven’t been posting again. Mainly cos I’ve been distracted, I guess, by my visitors. Which of course was the whole point. Le Heather was here for four days, when we watched lots of videos and things and had fun, and the parents are here at the moment. We’ve been doing things that have involved lots of scenery and walking. Am very tired now. *g* But it’s been nice, and today we saw Puffins.

I’m feeling more with it than I was, and the doctor will hopefully be sorting some things out soon that’ll help more with luck. So yay. I’m going back to work next Saturday, which will be good. The little spate of visitors isn’t drying up, either :-) The most luvverly Noxy is coming to visit for a week from the 22nd, and my brother might well come up at the end of May, too. I’m looking forward to it :-)

Also, I have a new Blogger Inside partner. Which kinda shows how infrequently I’ve been posting lately. Um, whoops…..

Ahem. Things went a tad

Ahem. Things went a tad wonky for a while again. Actually, to be honest, things are still somewhat wonky, but I’ll live. The Heatherbunny is coming to stay for a few days from tomorrow, and then the parents will be up for a week after that, all of which should keep me on an even keel. Which’ll be nice.

Captain Kirk, ruler of Liberia? – this was sent to me by Inne the other day, and made me giggle. And then giggle some more. Presumably it’s some kind of commemorative thingy, but still – hee! Thanks for that, Inne :-)

And belatedly, my Blogger Inside questions. You can read Tinka’s answers to the questions I sent her here, and then you should really read the rest of the blog, cos it’s a damn good one.

So, here are the questions I was sent. With my answers to them. Obviously.

1. Buffy. What made you start watching the show in the first place (and by extension, what keeps you watching?).
Well…. I’d never seen the original movie, though I had it mentally bookmarked as one that I’d like to watch if I came across it. I’m pretty glad, however, that I didn’t see it before any of the series, cos it might well have put me off. *g* I saw an article on the upcoming TV series in SFX mag, and again mentally bookmarked it as something I might like to watch. Then one evening I rang my Mum, only for her to tell me that she couldn’t talk to me right then, cos Buffy was on. Oookeydoke. So I turned it on myself, and thoroughly enjoyed the episode (which was “The Witch”, one of the early Season 1 eps). My brother happened to have taped the first few eps, so he sent them to me, and I was hooked from then on. As for what kept me watching, well, that would be the interesting storylines, and ultimately I suppose the fact that the characters are well written enough that you become involved with them to an extent, want to know what will happen to them next. Not to mention the added bonus that is Spike. Mmmm, pretty :-)

2. What is your very first memory?
This one has actually stumped me. I honestly don’t know. I have memories of my Dad taking me up to London on the train when I was fairly small, I remember falling off the climbing frame at playschool and landing on my head (which could explain some things *snerk*), I remember falling backwards into the paddling pool in the back garden and being utterly outraged that my Mum laughed, and there are a few other things that I’m pretty certain are pre-brother (who was born when I was 4½), but I can’t pinpoint any one thing as being the earliest. Hmm.

3. What will always get a laugh out of you?
[thumb:298:l]This is my first cat, Mr Worf. I’d had one of those instant pasta thingies, then stuck the empty pot in the bin. Worf obviously liked the smell, and went down the bin to have a taste. Only the pot got stuck on his head. So he started walking backwards, presumably with the assumption that the pot would stay still and he could pull free. Ah, no. I laughed a lot, then rescued him. Except I made the mistake of just putting the pot down on the floor, and he promptly stuck his head back in it. Got stuck, started walking backwards. That’s when I took this photo. Even better, I then took him and the pot (separately) into my flatmate’s room, and lo and behold, Worf did it again. Maybe you had to be there, but this pic will always crack me up.

4. LOTR – a story for geek guys, only appealing to girls because of the pretty Elf in the film. Discuss.
You know what? I’m actually not sure I know any guys who are fans in a big way. Of all the female fans I know, I think about 90% were fans of the book(s) long before the film went into production, and those of us who hadn’t read it were otherwise widely read in the ‘Epic fantasy’ genre. So perhaps what I’m trying to say is, it’s a story for geek boys and girls (or certainly fantasy fans *g*) which appeals to anyone who enjoys this kind of epic. The prettiness of the Elf (and the hobbits) in the film version certainly doesn’t detract from the story *g* and in fact brings an extra level of enjoyment to the whole experience – as, in fact, does the obvious and public enthusiasm of the actors for the film. However, I for one would have found the film just as amazing if the actors had been of the non-pretty variety. Had I not enjoyed the story itself, I very much doubt I would have been disposed to sit through three hours in the cinema, let alone go for multiple viewings. Each time I’ve watched, I’ve picked up new things that I missed before. Pretty elves and hobbits are very nice to stick posters of on my walls, but they ain’t the reason I’m counting the days til December.

5. Could you imagine ever living anywhere else but Britain?
Yep, I could. Certainly right now, I have no reason or particular desire to leave the country, but there are so many fabulous places in the world… the only real consideration is distance from my family, but thinking about it, there are parts of mainland Europe that are nearer to them than I am now. *g*

6. What made you start blogging?
The desire to ramble where other people might respond, I suppose. And also partly because I enjoy experimenting with / learning new things, and I wanted to have a play with Blogger. *g*

7. What CD would you put on in order to introduce yourself to a potential date?
Um. Hmmm. Good question. Would probably depend on my mood. I would think it’d be a choice between Meatloaf, Guns n Roses, Linkin Park, Offspring, Nine Simone, or the B52’s. Maybe. *g*

8. What can really, really put you off a person you have just met?
In a word, sliminess. That creepy too-friendly, over-familiar attitude. Ick.

9. What things do you always have in your fridge?
Skimmed milk, margerine, eggs, cheese, meat, vinegrette, mayonnaise and cat food. That all sounds oddly healthy, doesn’t it? Huh.

10. What word do you use far too often?

11. What’s your poison?
As in alcohol-wise? Baileys and Archers are faves. I can’t actually drink at the moment, though, so I guess it’s Coke or Pepsi right now.

12. You have both a LJ and a blog. How do you decide what goes where?
Well, when I started this blog, I intended it to be a general rambling space, with not too much babbling about fannish stuff. So I’ve tried to stick to that. With my LJ, just about everyone on my friends list there (and who lists me as a friend) I know from the BtVS fandom in one way or another. So in general my fannish stuff now goes there, because it’s more likely that the people reading will be interested. I hope! *g*

13. What makes a good fanfic?
Hah, the sixty million dollar question. Simple answer, I suppose, is good writing. All the little things like spelling and punctuation are as important in fanfic as in any other writing. Plus a well thought out plot where needed – which of course isn’t always necessary in fanfic if you’re writing, say, a vignette about the thoughts of a character during a scene from an episode. For fanfic specifically, what is needed is good characterisation – you’re writing about already established characters, so you need to try and capture them as best you can, to make them ‘believable’. This applies even more if you’re taking a character out of canon – say, writing a Spike/Xander relationship fic. There needs to be a good hook on which the audience can suspend their disbelief, as it were. Am I rambling now? I think that about covers it, though.

And it’s bye-bye Queen Mum.

And it’s bye-bye Queen Mum. It’s strange, I suppose it’s not really that much of a surprise, but on the other hand I kind of expected her to just go on forever. She was a tough lady. :-) My first thought when I saw the news was actually “oh no, poor Queen!” – losing her … Continue reading “And it’s bye-bye Queen Mum.”

And it’s bye-bye Queen Mum. It’s strange, I suppose it’s not really that much of a surprise, but on the other hand I kind of expected her to just go on forever. She was a tough lady. :-) My first thought when I saw the news was actually “oh no, poor Queen!” – losing her sister and now her Mum within a few weeks of one another. That’s just not good.

Er, and in case anyone feels the need for some cheering up, I had a sudden mad inspired (or cracked-out, more likely) few hours yesterday. Which produced Fellowship of the Rings – Moulin Rouge Style. It’s a kind of parody / spoof of the movie done all in song lyrics. I had fun writing it, anyway. *g*

Britain mourns comedian Dudley Moore

Britain mourns comedian Dudley Moore – I’m sad now. Although, with a disease like that, I don’t think continuing to live would be great either. :-( Rock on, Dudley. And to lighten the mood a little, some news from the slightly bizarre world of the Xander-cat: His bed is under the radiator in the living … Continue reading “Britain mourns comedian Dudley Moore”

Britain mourns comedian Dudley Moore – I’m sad now. Although, with a disease like that, I don’t think continuing to live would be great either. :-( Rock on, Dudley.

And to lighten the mood a little, some news from the slightly bizarre world of the Xander-cat: His bed is under the radiator in the living room, but apparantly he was feeling a draft. Because he got up, went to the living room door, pushed it shut with his paw, then went back to bed and curled up to sleep again. I tell you, never a dull moment…..

I ache today. I don’t

I ache today. I don’t know why, and it’s not much fun. Bah. Also, there was something I intended to say, and now I’ve completely forgotten what. D’oh. Blogger Inside is running again at the mo, and my most efficient partner Tinka (*waves*) has sent me my questions over already. Good tricky ones, too. *g* … Continue reading “I ache today. I don’t”

I ache today. I don’t know why, and it’s not much fun. Bah. Also, there was something I intended to say, and now I’ve completely forgotten what. D’oh.

Blogger Inside is running again at the mo, and my most efficient partner Tinka (*waves*) has sent me my questions over already. Good tricky ones, too. *g* I’m still working on the ones to send to her, but it shouldn’t be too much longer.

And before I forget again, really must go update my Mum’s Family History Soc. website now. Tum ti tum…..

It’s really quite tragic, but

It’s really quite tragic, but I’m dead excited now. And why? Because the motherboard on my parents’ computer is about to keel over, so they’re having to get it replaced. And cos it’s a bit old (ie. 3 years), this has meant they’re also having to get several other components replaced as well. They are … Continue reading “It’s really quite tragic, but”

It’s really quite tragic, but I’m dead excited now. And why? Because the motherboard on my parents’ computer is about to keel over, so they’re having to get it replaced. And cos it’s a bit old (ie. 3 years), this has meant they’re also having to get several other components replaced as well. They are therefore giving some of these replaced-but-perfectly-good components to me. WOOHOO!!! This means that my 350Mhtz processor will be upgraded to a 500Mhtz one, and my RAM will be doubled to 256Mb. SQUEEEEEE!!!! Oh, shush, I find it exciting, and it’s not costing me a thing. *happy dance*

And now I sleep. Because as well as being excited, I’m also dead tired. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Still alive, honest. Just being

Still alive, honest. Just being a bit lazy, reading books and all that. Dad came up as planned last week, and we had a really good time – did a bit of shopping and sight-seeing, watched videos, cooked good food, and went out for a couple of pub meals too. The new meds gradually started … Continue reading “Still alive, honest. Just being”

Still alive, honest. Just being a bit lazy, reading books and all that.

Dad came up as planned last week, and we had a really good time – did a bit of shopping and sight-seeing, watched videos, cooked good food, and went out for a couple of pub meals too. The new meds gradually started kicking in, and I woke up more as the week went on. Hoorah! And now I’ve gone and joined the library – I think my brain needs feeding or something. Devoured five books in a go yesterday. Heh.

Site-wise, though, some stuff has been accomplished in the last couple of weeks. The SPIKED Awards winners were published, and the site got a shiny new design, and Amaranth opened (design by Noxy, content a mixture of inherited files, with the rest a joint effort between myself and Jess Walker) and has just been accepted as the S/D zone of the BtVS Writers’ Guild. Now that my brain is getting back into gear at last, I should be accomplishing more soon. I hope. Erm.

Dear god, this has been

Dear god, this has been boring lately, hasn’t it? V sorry. So, quick summary of the me situation, then I’ll shut up about it: Still tired, and apparantly quite madinthehead; blood tests came back OK, Dr has put me on different meds and signed me off work for three weeks. Was thinking of going to … Continue reading “Dear god, this has been”

Dear god, this has been boring lately, hasn’t it? V sorry. So, quick summary of the me situation, then I’ll shut up about it: Still tired, and apparantly quite madinthehead; blood tests came back OK, Dr has put me on different meds and signed me off work for three weeks. Was thinking of going to Hastings for a bit, but to do that I’d have to put Xander-cat in a cattery…. only he hasn’t had his innoculations yet, and they (a) take 4 weeks to become properly effective (b) cost more than I can afford, especially with cattery fees on top. So anyway, I’ll be staying here, but Dad is coming up tomorrow to visit for a few days. With a bit of luck, this’ll sort me out and I can get back to being me again. Which’ll be nice.

I’ve been taking it easy

I’ve been taking it easy for the last while. Doc signed me off work, so I’ve been basically resting up and feeding myself healthy type things. I’m still tired and sleeping a lot, but I do feel better than I did. Back to the Dr’s tomorrow for blood tests, and see how it goes from … Continue reading “I’ve been taking it easy”

I’ve been taking it easy for the last while. Doc signed me off work, so I’ve been basically resting up and feeding myself healthy type things. I’m still tired and sleeping a lot, but I do feel better than I did. Back to the Dr’s tomorrow for blood tests, and see how it goes from there. Tum ti tum. So yes, lazy me. I have done some cleaning, though (Kitchen: *sparkle*; Bathroom: *sparkle* Rest-of-house: *grunge*) and watched the Aussie Grand Prix on Sunday. Didn’t spot my brother, but was a good race. Quote of the day: “If they gave drivers points for scary looks to camera, Scotland’s Alan McNish would have won the championship already.” Yay F1 commentators. *g*

I’m way behind on reading the blogs in my links. I might go catch up on that. Or possibly I’ll do some more work on the Spike/Dru site. Or just go back to bed…. hmmm…….

Oh yes – new site: Molten Chaos. In collaboration with Megs and Heather (who did the design), it’s where any and all wallpapers or skins that we produce will live from now on. Yay, a use for one of my spare domain names! *g*