Don’t get too close to the screen, I’m infectious!

Oh noes, I have the interbets lurgy! It’s true, I blogged about not being so well for the last (argh) three flippin’ weeks… and gave it to both my Secret Pals and their kidlets! Eeep. Sorry, Janey and Katie, and anyone else who I’ve infected! ;-)

In actual fact, what was wrong with me was a chest thing that seemed to drag out because it gave me a bad asthma… thing. I don’t usually have much trouble with the asthma, or I haven’t for the last several years anyway, but I’ve now got a steroid inhaler again for a while until I can breathe proper-like. And in fact, that seemed to be doing the trick very nicely along with lots of vitamins and sundry druuuugs. Til I caught a cold. D’oh! So I’ve spent the last couple of days feeling like poo again, and I had to cancel the plans I had with my new friend M (who I met at Knit & Natter) to go over to hers to hang out and knit today. The group actually meets in Battle, but people from all over the area go… and M and I discovered that we only live a short walk (or an ever shorter bus-ride-and-walk) from each other, so we swapped numbers. We’re going to sort something out for next week instead, when I’m less germ-y!

Anyhow, I am actually feeling better today than I did yesterday – I think I’m on the last day of the cold-iness. I’ve had a nice hot bath and everything, which helped. So hopefully I’ll be well enough tomorrow to go to the beading workshop that I’m signed up for. Oh, which reminds me, must sort out my pack lunch for that.

Right, I’m off to watch Children in Need. Actual knit-y post coming later!…