What is it about certain

What is it about certain pieces of music that make you want to swallow them whole, bathe in them, curl into a tiny ball and implode on yourself, scream til everything breaks? Or is that just me? There I was, MTV2 doing a Metal Anthems thing in the background while I pottered around the house, … Continue reading “What is it about certain”

What is it about certain pieces of music that make you want to swallow them whole, bathe in them, curl into a tiny ball and implode on yourself, scream til everything breaks? Or is that just me? There I was, MTV2 doing a Metal Anthems thing in the background while I pottered around the house, and then Metallica’s ‘The Unforgiven’ came on. Gahhhhhhhhhhh. And I’m unable to do anything but sit as near the TV as I can without crawling inside it, and listen to this song. What is that about? There aren’t that many songs that do this to me – that one, another Metallica one that I can’t remember the title of because I lose all coherant thought when I hear it, several Skunk Anansie songs, O Fortuna from Carmina Burana, and most of the Mozart Requiem. There are a load of others that I love, but they don’t do this… thing. Weird.

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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