When I first started this

When I first started this page/site/thing, I intended it to be a blog, and basically non-Buffy. That didn’t really happen. I ramble too much, and spend too little time hunting down links to do a blog, so I suppose this is more of a journal… though not totally that either. It’s rambling space. Heh. And … Continue reading “When I first started this”

When I first started this page/site/thing, I intended it to be a blog, and basically non-Buffy. That didn’t really happen. I ramble too much, and spend too little time hunting down links to do a blog, so I suppose this is more of a journal… though not totally that either. It’s rambling space. Heh. And as for the Buffy-ness… well, I wasn’t trying to avoid Buffy things – after all, most of my other sites are Buffy-related. But I have life that isn’t. *g* And I don’t think I do really talk about Buffy here. But if you take a look at my links list…. the majority of those journals and blogs are people I know or know of through the BtVS fandom (and damn, is there anyone who doesn’t keep one of these things any more? *g*). Thing is, I’ve read lots of other blogs, including the trendy-to-read ones… and they haven’t held my interest for whatever reason. The ones in the list over there do, Buffy-related or not. Maybe it’s having the something in common, I don’t know. But I like ’em.

Oh, and hey, while I actually am on the topic, in a lot of other journals I’ve been reading about the bitchfests that happen in the Buffy fandom. OK, yes, I could hardly miss some of them (those that have sites, for eg.). But by and large – huh? Am I not on the lists, or in the cliques where this stuff takes place? Or am I really oblivious, because I haven’t noticed it? Or perhaps I’m just lucky not to have had any of this vituperation directed at me. Hmm.

I discovered the other day that Transformers is now Beast Machines (or something). Optimus Prime is a big mechanical gorilla. Interesting. [NB – my brother used to watch it religously (and Mask! Does anyone else remember Mask?) and had the toys… I even had to take him to see the movie, and it was good, damnit!] And then today, Sandycat has a picture of a bloke dressed as Optimus, in all his pre-primate trucky glory. Yay! However, I’ve also discovered through this how deeply and tragically sad I am. Because you can get yourself made into an action figure. And I want one. Oh dear god. A small plastic me to shamelessly jump small plastic Spike. I can’t believe that actually crossed my mind. Though on that topic, Angel and The Master still seem to be at it, though they’ve somehow knocked the candlestands over. I so don’t want to know how….

Author: Lou

Geeky fangirl and knitter, owned by large black mog. Sometime web designer. Lapsed musician.

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