My brother and sister-in-law brought pressies back from New Zealand! So I thought I’d show one of mine off:

The name of the colour comes from a New Zealand bird which has plumage in the colour of the yarn. Oh, and it’s a lovely 100g hank of bulky-weight mohair… I’ve been thinking about what to make with it, but I think I’ve settled on a shawl of some kind.
Here from ICLW :) OoOoOo.. your yarn is SO pretty. I’m more of a crocheter because its just so much easier! I was thinking about taking up quilting, but the desire has retreated and so I’ll mastering laziness in the meantime. Couldn’t help but notice your toon on the right – I used to pay WoW all the time, but since I broke up with my ex its just not the same. Sending you prayers and best wishes.
Isn’t it lovely? But do you know, I don’t find crochet easy at all! I am pretty good at laziness, though ;-)
As for the toon badge thingy… that’s as close to WoW as I’ve ever got, I must admit. It’s a thing called ChoreWars, which has household chores (or in this case, work on fibre craft projects) set up like simple little WoW adventures. It’s quite good fun, and you’ve reminded me I should update it!