Current word count: 3500-ish (I

Current word count: 3500-ish (I forgot to bring the thing with me today). Not looking likely I’m going to make NaNoWriMo, but I’m going to keep going, and if I get a full story out of it, I’m happy. I shall just wave pom-poms for Rowan, in a similar manner to Joss at N3K. Only after less beer. Maybe.

Someone has stuck a paper sign saying “Room 101” on the outer door of our office. *snicker*

Kita’s story about the girl grabbing JM’s arse makes me feel slightly sick. Much like a comment in a Aussie con report I read that JM had mentioned that British fans scare him / freak him out. This is bad. Lar is completely right – these people are actors, doing their job. Which is not to be mauled by anyone who fancies it. Enough people do that, it makes the actors decide it’s too much, which in turn screws it up for those of us who are more than happy to grin (like a fool), say hi, and go away again. Or whatever. But be respectful, anyway. Why is it that JM is doing the larger, more impersonal SFX con this year, rather than the more ‘hands on’ Nocturnal / Sector 14? Makes me wonder.

Shamelessly swiped from GB:
Your Viking Name is…

*wail* It snows! I don’t

*wail* It snows! I don’t like snow! Damnit. On the plus side of things, I’ve now seen all of the Musical ep. Only, in bits, and some bits more times than others. When I get home tonight, I’m going to watch it all the way through, then do the reviewing thingy. But my god, it’s … Continue reading “*wail* It snows! I don’t”

*wail* It snows! I don’t like snow! Damnit.

On the plus side of things, I’ve now seen all of the Musical ep. Only, in bits, and some bits more times than others. When I get home tonight, I’m going to watch it all the way through, then do the reviewing thingy. But my god, it’s fabulous! I love it madly, and Joss is god. But then, we knew that already.

Oh yes, and having regressed to 1,869 when I lost that section, the word count is now up to 3,172. Problem is, of course, I ought to have somewhere between 13,330 and 14,400 by now. Oops.

Spank the Monkey. Oh, go on. You know you want to. (Current Monkey Spanking Champion: Graham at 1073)

Am humming snippets of tune

Am humming snippets of tune from the Musical Ep. Today’s the day for the lucky Americans, but I’ve got a bit longer (though happily not much) to wait. Shall have to make do with the promos for a few more days, I guess. I wanted to update the noms for the SPIKED Awards last night. … Continue reading “Am humming snippets of tune”

Am humming snippets of tune from the Musical Ep. Today’s the day for the lucky Americans, but I’ve got a bit longer (though happily not much) to wait. Shall have to make do with the promos for a few more days, I guess.

I wanted to update the noms for the SPIKED Awards last night. But went down sometime yesterday evening, and hasn’t come back yet. Shit. I’m not taking it personally, cos is also dead – and also hosted by NDO. *sigh* If only they didn’t charge stupid amounts to transfer the domain out. I’m beginning to wonder whether I shouldn’t move the site to the .com address (or, you know, the .org or the .net since I have them bloody all due to Namezero being sneaky so-and-so’s). But I like my :-( Damnit.

So, after much beating-of-computer-with-a-large-wet-haddock, I’ve accepted that I’m not going to get my words back *g* and have started the re-writing process. I think it’s going OK…. and I’m going to be doubly careful about saving this time! I’m also trying to be positive about the James Marsters mini-tour being postponed / cancelled. It’s good that he’s got film work, I’m going to save money and therefore will be able to eat the rest of the month, and this way I can preserve a modicum of self-respect and pretend that I would have been coherent this time round. I would have been, really, honest. Not remotely dazed and pathetic. Nooooo. Ooo, ooo, and I just thought of another one – I’ll probably have two more clear days to work on ‘the novel’. Although that all depends on whether Luna gets her flights refunded, or still comes to stay (and have a big ol’ James-fest as planned, only with slightly less actual James). Hmmm….

I just do not bloody

I just do not bloody believe it. The 400+ words that I wrote in my dinner break on Saturday at work are gone. I have somehow lost them – I *know* I saved that file about 50 times over, but it seems I didn’t save it to the place I thought I had. And I … Continue reading “I just do not bloody”

I just do not bloody believe it. The 400+ words that I wrote in my dinner break on Saturday at work are gone. I have somehow lost them – I *know* I saved that file about 50 times over, but it seems I didn’t save it to the place I thought I had. And I cleared out my temp files which is where I assume I stupidly did save it to. Excuse me while I SCREAM. I mean, yes, I can write it again, but damnit, I liked what I had! It won’t be the same, especially since it was all stream-of-thought stuff. ARGH! As if life didn’t suck enough already. Sodding marvellous.

Current word count: 2,304. OK….

Current word count: 2,304. OK…. so the problem with doing NaNoWriMo is that I’m probably going to end up neglecting my poor baby websites somewhat this month. I do need to do some updates to them, though. Like updating The Airlock with the new screencaps for this and S&S… and if I remember to change … Continue reading “Current word count: 2,304. OK….”

Current word count: 2,304.

OK…. so the problem with doing NaNoWriMo is that I’m probably going to end up neglecting my poor baby websites somewhat this month. I do need to do some updates to them, though. Like updating The Airlock with the new screencaps for this and S&S… and if I remember to change the ‘present sites’ pages so that the caps are linky too. Ooo, and I could add the rest of the ‘old’ stuff back to S&S, too. That should be fairly simple. The only thing that will take time is updating the noms for the SPIKED Awards. Hmmmmmmm.

Current word count: 1,869. Woohoo!

Current word count: 1,869. Woohoo! OK, so, yes, I should be doing 1800 a day, and two days have now passed. But I did do the majority of this in one day, and a working day at that. I think there’s hope for me yet. And now I really have to go and sleep…….

Current word count: 1,869.

Woohoo! OK, so, yes, I should be doing 1800 a day, and two days have now passed. But I did do the majority of this in one day, and a working day at that. I think there’s hope for me yet. And now I really have to go and sleep…….

Current word count: 318. Which

Current word count: 318. Which is the prologue. And which, although it sounds crappy considering I’m technically halfway through the second day, isn’t actually completely shabby since I’ve been either at work, very tired from work, or asleep just about the whole time. Sodding late shift. Hoping to make more progress on Sunday when I’ll … Continue reading “Current word count: 318. Which”

Current word count: 318.

Which is the prologue. And which, although it sounds crappy considering I’m technically halfway through the second day, isn’t actually completely shabby since I’ve been either at work, very tired from work, or asleep just about the whole time. Sodding late shift. Hoping to make more progress on Sunday when I’ll be off. I’m aiming at 1800 words a day, really. Hum.

Rowan, though simultaneously makes me want to wail pathetically, and gives me hope that I’ll be able to catch up. I’ll be clinging to the hope, then…. Lalalala…. The snippets I’ve seen by the others from the BuffyWriMo list are very impressive. But I won’t be posting mine publicly (not here at any rate… remote possibility it’ll go onlist). Even if you paid me. Or, I would… but no-one is, so that’s that, then. Heheh.

Ready, steady….. write! And they’re

Ready, steady….. write! And they’re off. I’ve written all of 76 words (more than a thousandth of the way there, go me), and I find myself convulsively checking the word counts on the NaNoWriMo site to see what other people are doing. I have profiles mostly-done for the two main characters, and ideas in my … Continue reading “Ready, steady….. write! And they’re”

Ready, steady….. write! And they’re off. I’ve written all of 76 words (more than a thousandth of the way there, go me), and I find myself convulsively checking the word counts on the NaNoWriMo site to see what other people are doing.

I have profiles mostly-done for the two main characters, and ideas in my head for two or three ‘supporting’ ones. I may put them up here later. Oh, and the new (non-Halloween) design for this should go up when I get home from work tonight. Maybe.

…. and I think there’s some unwritten rule…. god, I just want to go home to my Mum and Dad and hide. Runawayrunawayrunaway.

I had every intention of

I had every intention of giving this blog a monochromatic look for November, but I just realised that if I did that I’d be mimicing Meghan again. D’oh!! But it’s OK, I just came up with something else. It’s all going to be about the novel, luvvies, dahlinks, so I need a certain theme….. *g* … Continue reading “I had every intention of”

I had every intention of giving this blog a monochromatic look for November, but I just realised that if I did that I’d be mimicing Meghan again. D’oh!! But it’s OK, I just came up with something else. It’s all going to be about the novel, luvvies, dahlinks, so I need a certain theme….. *g*

Put up the new sub-version of Spiked & Skewered. Hooray. Oh, and I reviewed the first three eps of Buffy season 6 at Soulfreak. Comments welcome. Other eps coming soon.

I did start the profile for my female protagonist, which was actually really difficult to do since her situation changes very dramatically. Only I’ve just had something pointed out to me…. crap, I’m going to have to come up with another idea completely. I’m. So. Stupid. Argh!!

I may be homesick. I

I may be homesick. I am certainly got-no-fucking-money-and-a-mountain-of-debt sick. Now may be the time to get my arse into gear with learning ASP and find myself a blindingly well paid job. That could be a plan. Right then. So, now all I need are character names for NaNoWriMo. The minor characters aren’t a problem, I … Continue reading “I may be homesick. I”

I may be homesick. I am certainly got-no-fucking-money-and-a-mountain-of-debt sick. Now may be the time to get my arse into gear with learning ASP and find myself a blindingly well paid job. That could be a plan. Right then.

So, now all I need are character names for NaNoWriMo. The minor characters aren’t a problem, I can pretty much think up ones for them as I go along. But I need something for the main (female) protagonist, and something for the secondary (male) one. Actually, he needs several names, but the FP needs a name to call him for most of the time. Hrrrm.

Started a listy thing for the Buffy lot doing NaNoWriMo – as suggested by Ames cos the ‘official’ club is way too heavy on the old mailbox. GB and Sandy bring the known total of Buffy peeps doing it to eight. Does that mean one of us has to be a bandit?

God, it’s cold in here.

I’m really quite …… fed

I’m really quite …… fed up. I really don’t want to think about it, but I’m having probs with that. Must distract self. Bloody hell. Was going to put up the new menu for S&S yesterday, but then I decided I’d stick some more content in before I did, so now it’s going to be … Continue reading “I’m really quite …… fed”

I’m really quite …… fed up. I really don’t want to think about it, but I’m having probs with that. Must distract self. Bloody hell.

Was going to put up the new menu for S&S yesterday, but then I decided I’d stick some more content in before I did, so now it’s going to be probably tomorrow night. Or something. Whatever. Oh, and the SPIKED Awards have gained a little copycat in the Silver Fangs awards (I would link to it if (a) I could remember the right url, and (b) it wasn’t a Homesite built page and takes half an hour to load). I wondered whether to be pissed off, but it’s not worth me wasting my time on and anyway if they want to be sad and unoriginal, that’s their business. But then someone actually nominates that site for the SPIKED Awards!! Hello! Are these people on crack?! I ask you….

Rowan‘s post reminds me that I need names for my characters. Crap. But I have plot. That’s something at least. Whether it’s suffiencient plot to keep me going, I’m not sure. We shall have to see.

What’s all this about me

What’s all this about me being evil?! First Ragna seems to think it’s strange that she comes out more psychotic than me ;-) and now the ‘bunny makes a declaration. Feh. I’m not evil… but apparently I am 71% GOTH. Image and attitude are my paths to Goth-dom. Graceful and scary. I am the Master, … Continue reading “What’s all this about me”

What’s all this about me being evil?! First Ragna seems to think it’s strange that she comes out more psychotic than me ;-) and now the ‘bunny makes a declaration. Feh. I’m not evil… but apparently I am
71% GOTH.

Image and attitude are my paths to Goth-dom.
Graceful and scary. I am the Master, with many slaves.

Er. Apparently.

I’ve had quite a productive

I’ve had quite a productive weekend, which is quite surprising since I’ve also had to deal with a badly fitting, and then pumped-full-of-valium cat (poor baby). But even so, I’ve managed to update We Want Him Dark, the Evil Ones Button Exch, Tomb With a View, Kaplooey, The Airlock, Conwoman, and freedom.freaky. Phew! That takes … Continue reading “I’ve had quite a productive”

I’ve had quite a productive weekend, which is quite surprising since I’ve also had to deal with a badly fitting, and then pumped-full-of-valium cat (poor baby). But even so, I’ve managed to update We Want Him Dark, the Evil Ones Button Exch, Tomb With a View, Kaplooey, The Airlock, Conwoman, and freedom.freaky. Phew! That takes care of all my ‘small’ updates. Plus, I’ve made a new menu graphic for S&S (I still love the idea of the current one, but it’s just so damn ugly!) which I should have up in a few days – I’m also planning to add some of the rest of the content as well, so that’s a ‘big’ update. Hmm…. might make a couple of ICQ skins too, actually. Will be done by the end of the week. I need to clear all this up before NaNoWriMo, see. Which me and Megs are going to make such a good start to on the 1st after going to The Room the night before. *snicker* Hellooo to the neck pain.