
I’m being kind of rubbish here, aren’t I? I’m flagging somewhat. Or, not exactly flagging, but feeling mentally flabby. Can’t think of anything to say! I need to re-organise my brain a bit for the night shift.
So, where was I? Well, I’ve been knitting my Fetching wristwarmers – photo and more details of those coming in a bit. No-one has yet taken me up on any HP stuff, so I think I’m going to mention it on my LJ. After all, I’m not sure it it’s because no-one reading this is interested, or if there is no-one much reading (I know: I could look at my stats! Duh.) or what. Doesn’t matter if nobody does want them, I spose, but I kind of want to get over the $100 sponsorship mark. *g* I was just trying to think of some extra motivation to persuade people to shell out. Mwahahah, etc!
Anyway, I was going to make a post about my charity, so I think I’ll do that next, and then start posting these pictures. I have to edit them a bit before I put them up, so that’ll take a little while, but they’ll be around soooon. Plus, I’m going to type up the drabble I wrote for Fandom Helps. *nod* Off I go then!

I’ve got a new sponsor!

Hello to the lovely hellolovely! (I could go on for a long time there, but I won’t ;-) ) And thank you so much – won’t you drop me a comment to say hi and let me know how you found me? Also, tell me if I can link to you… I’ve got this niggling feeling I should know this already!
Come to that, I should probably thank my other wonderful sponsors, too. Heather, Noxie, Ramona, Mum (hi Mum!), Ally and Carla – you all rock!

Dinner Time!

Yes, I know I said I’d be more interesting when I got back from the shops, but that was before I was starving to death!!!! So I’m going to whip up some dinner (hmm, pasta?) and start uploading and editing photos while I’m eating.
However! What I will do is take requests for Harry Potter themed things. For example, house scarves (either style), leg / wrist / arm-warmers, socks, hats, bags, mp3-player / phone cosies, little knitted bookmarks…. anything you can think of, really. And here’s the thing: I unfortunately can’t afford to give away the materials, but I can give away my time. Therefore, I’m thinking that the price of these things can be split roughly 50/50 (depends on the item) between defraying the cost of the yarn, and donating to my charity. Does that sound reasonable? What I can produce will be limited because I’m intending to use yarn that I already had ‘in stock’ for making these things to sell. Prices will range from, say, £3.50 plus p&p for the smallest things, to £20-25 for a scarf. If you’re interested, drop me a comment.
PS – I’m a complete idiot. I made a text post from my phone while I was out, but I did it in the wrong format so it didn’t post to my LJ anyway. Duh.

Going Out!

Alright then, I’m actually going. I’ve worked it out: I’m going to keep posting over on my LJ: soulstar.livejournal.com. And just to make sure that I don’t get automatically booted from the ‘thon for not updating on this site, my friend H will post links to the LJ post(s) that I text in. Phew! I hope that’s ok with the moderating people.
When I come back, I shall be able to get properly settled into this thing. It’s a bit silly that I’m nearly 4 hours in and I don’t feel like I’ve started properly! So, as well as the knitting and uploading photos, I’m going to:
– Take requests for Harry Potter themed knitted goods (yes, it will cost you, this is for charity you know!)
– Write out and put up a couple of patterns, again for HP stuff.
– Tell you some more about my charity and my reasons for choosing it.
– Get on Trillian and maybe Skype and see who I can find to natter to!
– Make a contribution or two to Fandom Helps.
Off I go then. See you shortly!

Have I shown you my FOs?

Contemporary Style HP ScarfWhile I’m still trying to find a way round the not being able to upload any new photos problem, I thought I’d bore you to death with my old ones! Isn’t that a plan? So go check out my photo album, specifically, the Finished Objects category. There’s all sorts of exciting stuff in there, like, ooh, Harry Potter scarves, and …. more Harry Potter scarves. *g* And hats and bags and some other stuff. Go on, go have a laugh.


Right, I can post from Flickr. Hoorah! So I can go out, take photos of stuff on teh fone, and post them remotely. Excellent!! And then I’ll come back and knit when it’s, well, less nice and sunny outside!
Come on, you all want to see nice photos of the seafront, don’t you?