As I mentioned the other day, I’ve finished my Clapotis [Ravlink] at long long last – it’s only taken me nearly three years! Although to be fair, for most of that it was languishing in a bag with only the first section knitted.
So here are some photos of the finished object, anyway. I haven’t blocked it, as I like how it’s turned out as it is. It’s too warm to wear it at the moment, but as soon as the weather cools down, it’ll be in active service! Should make a change from wearing purple.
And talking of purple(-ish), I’ve been spinning away for the Tour de Fleece. More pictures from that tomorrow, I expect.
So, I’ve started my spinning for the Tour de Fleece. As I said yesterday, I’m starting with two complementary braids from Limegreenjelly that I’m going to ply together. I’d actually spun up half of one of them already, so I have about 50g of that one left to do, then the whole of the second.
This is how much I already had spun:
and this is the remaining fibre, before I started spinning today:
As well as carrying on with the Big Clear Out / spring-clean / whatever, I’ve been preparing for the start of the Tour de Fleece tomorrow. I’ve got the wheel all set up, and the fibre that I’ll be starting with all ready. I’m basically aiming to spin every day for at least half an hour, more if I can manage it, and overall just get as much done as I can.
The first thing I’m spinning are two similar, but complementary, colourways from Limegreenjelly. Actually, everything I’ll spin will be LGJ, since that’s all I have! I’m spinning each of these into singles, then plying the two together. I think it’ll look nice.
I’ve decided to sign up for July’s NaBloPoMo again, because why not? I won’t do the alphabet thingy again, even though it really helped me going, because I’ll have the Tour de Fleece to post about for a good part of the month. I’ll find other things to keep me going for the rest of the time.
The summer spring-cleaning is continuing on here in my flat. I’m on a roll! I’m also going to be doing some tidying of the computer. I haven’t done that for waaay too long. There’s a whole load of pointless old files that need deleting. Plus, I’m going to change my broadband provider to a better tariff.
I’m also ridiculously excited because I just found out that Question Time is going to be on in Bexhill in a couple of weeks. I’m so applying for the audience. I must find out if anyone else wants to go too, though. I’m not sure if anyone I know locally would be up for it, but I’ll check.
Woohoo, I’ve completed NaBloPoMo for June. I shall give myself a pat on the back… and maybe check if there’s a “winner” badge or something. No big deal if not.
I’ve also been seeing how I can do on the Monthly Scavenger Hunt on Flickr. This is my first month, and I didn’t get something for all twenty items, but I managed to do sixteen, so that’s not a bad start!
So, what next on the blogging front? Now that I’ve managed to maintain blogging through June, I don’t want to just stop again. The Tour de Fleece is coming up, so I think I’ll plan to post an update on how I’m doing each day of that… which will mean it’ll be very spinning-centric around here for a couple of weeks. I dare say I’ll ramble about other things though. I can only say “today I span such and such a thing, here’s a photo” so many times!
Even though I haven’t started sewing up the Menace jumper [Ravlink] yet, I’ve been thinking about the other Unfinished Object that’s been sitting around for ages and ages, and that’s my Chunky Zipped Jacket [Ravlink] which is knit from Sirdar Bigga yarn. The main thing that’s keeping me from finishing this is the zip, although I’m also not quite sure whether to sew the seams with the Bigga yarn (which is “Super Bulky” weight), or with a thinner yarn of the same colour. I do have a thinner yarn, and that would make the seams less bulky, I think. But would it show up or be less stable, too? I don’t know! Help! I also suspect that this might not be the best project to try attaching a zip to, when it’s the first time I’ve ever done that. Again, the bulkiness is an issue. What do I sew the zip on with? Thread or yarn? This stuff is hard. Time to get advice from wiser heads, I think. I’ll cart it along to KnitJam next week.
Otherwise, today has been more of a knitting day than a tidying up one, though I have got some of that done. But good news! I’ve finished my Clapotis[Ravlink] at long last. I still have to weave in the ends, and block it (probably… I might leave it, I haven’t decided yet) but otherwise I’m done. Woohoo! Pictures will be coming soon.
The hot weather is continuing, and now it’s got to the point where it’s really too hot to sleep at night. Not so much fun. Especially with a cat who’s determined to plaster himself against you! Ugh. I didn’t even go out today, but stayed inside knitting (my Clapotis is very very nearly done, yay!) and doing housework, all while listening to podcasts.
I was really quite productive though, which is good. I’m tired now, yes, but the house is clean, and I’ve managed to file away (or recycle) a whole load of paperwork that had been lurking. I can even use the dining room table again – it had been covered in said piles of paperwork. I have every intention of covering it up again, as I want to finally sew up my Menace jumper. Now that I’ve got started with the filing, I’m planning to carry on tomorrow. Because yes, there is more. I need to go through my files, too, and shred all the older stuff. I should ask Mum to bring her shredder up when she comes over to help me consign stuff to charity donations. My filing cupboard definitely needs some paring down. Hah, so much for spending more time on the beach – I’m thinking up excuses to stay in out of the heat. I get a lovely breeze blowing through my flat most days. But I really must get out as well. Maybe later in the week. Too tired to think about it now. Zzzzzzzzz.
I can’t remember if I blogged about this already, but there’s a Pirate Day as part of Old Town Carnival Week at the beginning of August, where they’re trying to get as many people dressed as pirates gathered together as possible, with the goal of breaking the world record. I intend to to along and join in – should be fun! There’s going to be other piratical stuff going on as well. Food, and music, and so on. And of course a Treasure Hunt, though I suspect that’s for kids!
Of course, I’ve got to find something appropriate to wear. I understand there are certain dress code rules that you have to follow to be considered one of the official pirate crew, though I don’t know what that is yet. I must have some basics that I can wear, though. I’ll have to have a rummage through my things. I need to have a clothes sort-out anyway, and send some stuff off to the charity shop. I should call my Mum and find out if she’ll be free to come and give me a lift over there so I can take all my donations at once.
Doctor Who, of course – today was the season finale. No spoilers here, because I know it doesn’t air in the US (and Australia, I think) for another couple of weeks, but I will say that I loved it! The solution to the cliffhanger of last week, and the arc that’s been on-going all season was wonderfully twisty and just right. And oh, there were just enough little hints dropped that I really want to be able to see next season as soon as possible now, too. Evil, evil showrunners! It’s six months til the Christmas Special (and if that’s what was mentioned at the very end, then hee!), and about nine months until season 6. Aaaaah! I’ll just have to keep busy until then, won’t I?
I’ll be starting some voluntary work at a local library soon, helping people on the computers and internet. I’ve got to go in for a sort of induction day and an interview, but as I understand it, they’re trialling a tutorial programme to help people who aren’t used to computers, and my role would be to support them using that, and then provide refresher info and help afterwards. Sounds like fun! (No, I’m not being sarcastic, it does.) I’m looking forward to it, and it’ll be good to have something else regular in my schedule.
This evening I’ve been working on my Clapotis [Ravlink] while watching the Glastonbury coverage, and I’ve now tinked back so that I have one repeat of the straight section less, and therefore hopefully enough yarn left now to finish the project. I’d better have, because I’ve started on the decrease section again! Actually, I haven’t got very far into that… maybe I should pop a lifeline in just in case? Better safe than sorry.
Which is how I’m feeling today. I think it’s the heat – lovely as it is, I’m starting to get lethargic. I could just go for a nice snooze right about now! And I’m only just back from Knit & Natter at Carisbrooke House. I think I’ll go and find something relatively mindless to do that involves me moving around. Housework should do the trick! Not exciting, but necessary.
I spent most of today on the beach, which was marvellous – the weather is warm and sunny, but with enough of a breeze to keep it comfortable. I sat and knitted, listened to music for some of the time, the sounds of the seaside for the rest of it, and generally enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine. I went and got one of those folding chairs that come in the carry bags, but I actually only ended up using it (still in the bag!) as a lower back rest.
On the beach, Hastings, 23-06-2010
It was really nice being down there. I really must go more often while the weather is good. I don’t have a garden, but with the beach only 5-10 mins away… well. Silly not to go.
I was working on my Clapotis [Ravlink] and got very near to the end… when I realised that I wasn’t going to have enough yarn after all. Argh! So I’ve ripped back again and I’ll start the decrease rows one repeat earlier. That is, I’ll have one repeat less of the “straight” section. It’ll still be a good length. I should still have it finished this week, too, since the decrease section obviously gets faster as you go.
One thing that had completely passed me by until I got into town and heard all the people in the pubs was that it was the England v (er, someone) World Cup match. We won, didn’t get sent home, and there was much rejoicing. Including a group of blokes parading along the seafront singing the national anthem and then other assorted songs (Mysterious Girl? What?).
Oh, and although I was in the sun all day long, I’m still not tanned at all. Or not enough to notice. Being v pale, I slapped on the Factor 25 – I forgot once last year and got really bad sunburn, so I’m not going there again. Still, if I keep going out to the beach, and the weather obliges, I expect I’ll gain some colour before the end of summer. Even if it will only be noticeable by comparison with my watch mark!
I can’t believe it’s come round again already, but the Tour de Fleece starts again on 3rd July. Which means I shall be spinning along with many many others for the duration of the Tour de France bike race. I probably won’t be actually watching the race as I spin, because I have other things I want to watch and listen to that interest me more. I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to be spinning yet, but I think “as much as possible” covers it fairly well.
Happily, I’ve solved the missing post button (and tags and categories areas) problem in the edit screen. Of course I went and did all the standard things first, like disabling all my plugins. And then it occurred to me to try changing the screen back to the default 2 column view, instead of the 1 column I had it set on. Oh look, there were the missing areas. I’ve now rearranged and reset it back to the way it was, and all is well. Hoorah!
Today is the first day of June’s IComLeavWe, the comment-leaving equivalent of NaBloPoMo. Well, sort of – the aim is to leave five comments, and return / reply to one, every day during the week of the 21st-28th of the month. So it’s an equivalent in that it’s a daily goal … thingy. I know what I mean, anyway. You can either leave comments on the blogs of the other participants, and/or any other blogs you like, really. It’s more a self-monitored thing, I suppose, since unless you list all the places you’ve commented back on your own blog, there’s no central record. Anyway! The point is, it’s a cool way to find new blogs and meet new people and all – many of the blogs on the list are ones I wouldn’t normally read. Although I am going to try to make an effort to start leaving comments for the people I do habitually read again. I’ve been rubbish about it, really. Perhaps I should have a try at a little double thing – five comments to the IComLeaveWe bloggers, and five to people on my own blogroll. Could be fun!
In other news, there seems to be a bit of a hitch with this new version of WP… or at least, there is for me. Something has disappeared some of the sections from the Post page (the one that I’m writing in!), including the all-important Post button! I can get around it because there’s a draft-save mechanism, and then I can post from the edit screen, but still. That’s not right! I may have to disable some plugins and see what happens.
WordPress 3.0 is out – has been for a couple of days, actually – so I’m going to do the upgrade soon. Probably not tonight, but most likely tomorrow morning. I’m glad I hadn’t got too far with the redesign I was working on, in terms of coding, so now I can incorporate anything new to the theme. I’m not sure if there is anything, but if there is, I might as well include it. It’s all good practise, after all.